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FOOTNOTES (7-11) – Capital’s profitability now depends on ‘lockdowns’ ... and ‘medical’ tyranny

[7] See: “mRNA [messenger RNA] vaccines – a new era in vaccinology”, Pardi et al.,, April 2018 (“Extracellular naked RNA has been shown to increase the permeability of tightly packed endothelial cells and may thus contribute to oedema [fluid build up and swelling]. Another study showed that extracellular RNA promoted blood coagulation and pathological thrombus formation”); “Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us”, BMJ, 22 October 2020; “Vaccine makers claim covid shots Are ‘95% effective’ — but what does that mean?”, The Defender, 5 May 2021. (“When one does the math, the Pfizer clinical trial numbers showed: ‘The risk reduction in absolute terms [was] only 0.7%, from an already very low risk of 0.74% [in the placebo group] to a minimal risk of 0.04% [in the vaccine group].’ (Dividing 0.7 – the difference between the two groups – by 0.74 is the mathematical calculation that produced the touted ‘95% effective’ number)... Peter Doshi [in the BMJ] subsequently alerted the public to the fact that Pfizer skewed its analysis by excluding more than 3,400 individuals with non-PCR-confirmed symptoms of covid – individuals split almost evenly across the vaccine and placebo groups. Factoring in both the suspected and confirmed cases, Doshi noted, would drop the 95% relative risk figure down to 19%.”); “Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of covid‐19 vaccines worsening clinical disease”, International Journal of Clinical Practice, 28 October; “Unlicensed vaccine manufacturers are immune from some, but not all, civil liability”, Full Fact, 4 September; “Victims of swine flu jab to get £60m payout”,, 2 March 2014; “Guillain-Barre syndrome following the first dose of the chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored covid-19 vaccine, ChAdOx1”, National Library of Medicine (NLM), 22 April 2021; “CDC says vaccine link to heart failure is stronger than previously thought”, The Hill, 14 June. “Covid-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data?”, BMJ, 18 May 2021 (“An approval based on 6 months of data would represent one of the fastest for a novel vaccine in FDA history. Among the 6 ‘first in disease’ vaccines approved by the FDA since 2006, pre-licensure pivotal trials were a median of 23 months… How the FDA will weigh the loss of blinding and placebo controlled follow-up is unclear, but just months ago the agency said these trial properties were vital.”); “Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’”, LifeSiteNews, 31 May 2021 (“New research shows that the coronavirus spike protein from covid-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream, which is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said”); “Vaccines watchdog ‘closely monitoring’ reports of period problems after Covid jab,”, 20 June; “Doctors fear covid-19 vaccines are messing with mammograms,” LA Times, 12 March 2021; “Banned paper: Doctors’ risk-versus-benefit assessment of Covid jabs,” UK Column, 11 May 2021, Doctors for Covid Ethics.

According to Norman Fenton, Professor of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London, a comparison of the all-cause mortality of the vaccinated against the unvaccinated using Office of National Statistics (UK) (ONS) data and found

no reliable evidence that the vaccines reduced all-cause mortality. In fact, if you take account of newly vaccinated people who die likely being misclassified as unvaccinated – as that's the most likely explanation for inconsistencies in the data – then you get the conclusion that the vaccines don't seem to be reducing all-cause mortality but rather cause a genuine spike in all-cause mortality shortly after vaccination.

Fenton points out using the UK Government Covid dashboard that someone who dies from critical injuries in a car crash is classified as a covid case, a covid hospitalisation and a covid death if they tested positive despite being asymptomatic 13 days earlier; that someone who gets a covid vaccine and 13 days later tests positive with symptoms is classified as an unvaccinated covid case; and that someone who gets a covid vaccine and dies the next day from an adverse reaction to it is classified as an unvaccinated death.

The Federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in court papers proposed it should be given 55 years to review and release vaccine-related documents. A court order that went against this and revealed information from 91 pages showed that after the first 2.5 months Pfizer knew about 158,893 adverse reactions including 25,957 nervous system disorders and 1,233 fatalities. The document apparently shows that Pfizer concedes this is "a large increase" in adverse event reports and that even this huge volume is under-reported.

The traditional vaccine development timeline is 15 to 20 years. Although technological advancements should logically bring such a time period down, Holly Fernandez Lynch, assistant professor of medical ethics at the University of Pennsylvania, called the 12–18 month development of the covid-19 vaccines “insanely fast”.

Regulation of new medicines has been increasingly limited as profit margins have become thinner and thinner. According to Doctors for Covid Ethics, tests on short-term vaccine efficacy for the 'messenger RNAs' (mRNAs) – a new type of vaccine, thereby enabling exclusive patents that make them more profitable – were based on very small sample sizes over very short periods, and not on ‘vulnerable people'; while medium-term efficacy will not be known until 2023. Animal testing for the new vaccines reportedly started on the same day as human trials. An alleged cache of email exchanges between EU officials and the European Medicines Agency showed the drug regulator was uncomfortable about fast-tracking approval for the Pfizer and Moderna jabs.

Studies associating the mRNA vaccines with nasty side effects reportedly show, for example, skin reactions (see also here, here and here); inflammation of the cavernous sinus; rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown/death); acute visual impairment; dizziness/hearing loss, liver injury; neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (chronic disorder of the brain and spinal cord dominated by inflammation of the optic nerve and inflammation of the spinal cord). Some reported blood clots from mRNAs have reportedly led to amputations (good news for capitalists investing in bionic legs and the like...).

Scores of people on their social media accounts have warned of the serious adverse effects they experienced (see, for example, the replies and quote tweets).

Reports of a five-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021 are also concerning, although this could also have something to do with the increasing demands on players from TV companies to play more matches (just as in Formula 1, for example, rising from 16 races in 1999 to 24 in 2022). TV companies are trying to offset the fact that, with younger generations having more viewing and gaming options, and thus prefering to watch highlights more than full matches, TV revenues for professional football peaked in 2018. Some tennis players have had to stop playing since having an mRNA jab.

In July 2021, it was reported that 47% of all positive covid cases in Britain were made up of people who had been double vaccinated. Other reports said people were ill in hospital with covid-19 despite having been double vaccinated. The Daily Expose claims that “80% of covid-19 deaths in August [2021] were people who had been vaccinated, according to the latest public health data”. In the first week of September, covid-related hospital admissions in Scotland in the over-60 age group were 36 unvaccinated and 299 fully vaccinated, with the same pattern evident back to 7 August. A Lancet study said that vaccination was supposed to reduce transmission but that this has not happened in comparison to unvaccinated people. Statistics from a number of countries as of July 2021 show that the vaccines “do not reduce covid cases, hospitalisations or deaths”. A study from Israel said that vaccinated individuals had 27 times higher risk of symptomatic covid infection compared to those with natural immunity from previous infection.

Capital accumulation demands a faster turnover and circulation of capital to overcome each crisis. The pressure on workers from management to ignore health and safety regulations therefore tends to intensify. When BBC Panorama exposed the cross-contamination of samples in a covid testing lab being ignored (thereby inflating positive test results), one had to wonder if workers on low-paid temporary contracts had been threatened with the sack if they reported cross-contamination.

mRNA tech may well have a promising future. It is difficult to trust it though when full approval was blatantly rushed; and when they are being made by profit-motivated companies responsible for, among other appalling atrocities, the opioid crisis. Johnson & Johnson (a company wealthier than New Zealand or Hungary) knew for decades that asbestos lurked in its Baby Powder. Indeed, the rollout of J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines were suspended due to “mutant spike proteins” that cross the blood-brain barrier, causing “rare” blood clots; although many sceptics have argued that the media focused on this to push the (mRNA) Pfizer and Moderna jabs. (The argument that “all medicines can have negative side effects” falls flat because you have not been ordered to take those medicines by the state upon threat of becoming a non-person; plus people mostly accept the risk of side effects only when they are already ill.)

Pfizer has paid out numerous huge settlements over alleged defective products and has been accused of selling products causing kidney problems, breast cancer, strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, birth defects, and severe bleeding. Its unauthorised trials in Nigeria "led to the deaths" of 11 children. It paid a then record criminal fine of $2.3bn for illegally promoting off-label drugs. Pfizer has been accused of bullying Latin American governments during negotiations to acquire its covid-19 vaccine, with the company demanding sovereign assets such as embassy buildings and military bases, as a guarantee against the cost of any future legal case.

Moderna itself acknowledges that, “We have not previously tested our rapid response capability….” Stat News says, “What the company doesn’t say is that it has not yet brought a single product to market, even in non-emergency times.” In Japan, the Moderna vaccine was found to contain stainless steel and on 7 September a third person died in Japan after receiving their second vaccine shot. (Vaccine uptake is traditionally low in Japan. A court in 1992 found the government liable for adverse reactions. “Japan has the healthiest children and the very highest ‘healthy life expectancy’ in the world – and the least vaccinated children of any developed country”, claims Children’s Health Defense.)

mRNAs had been rejected again and again before 2021. Delivered via nanoparticles made up of lipids, or fats, mRNA is a “relatively cheap and easy to make genetic technology” at scale that aims to direct protein production in cells. (The Pfizer vaccine costs 76p to manufacture and is sold for £22 a dose to the UK government.) “Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects,” Damian Garde reported in 2017. “The safe dose was too weak, and repeat injections of a dose strong enough to be effective had troubling effects on the liver in animal studies….”

Nanoparticles (NPs) in vaccines have become a serious cause for concern. According to Wang et al.:

Studies have shown that numerous types of NPs are able to pass certain biological barriers and exert toxic effects on crucial organs. NPs can pass through the blood–testis barrier, placental barrier, and epithelial barrier, which protect reproductive tissues, and then accumulate in reproductive organs.

Of a new tech that was said to make mRNA safer, a former unnamed Moderna employee told Garde: “[The technology] would have to be a miraculous, Hail Mary sort of save for them to get to where they need to be on their timelines.” Garde says that,

Moderna has about $1.3bn in cash... But with plans to spend more than $300m a year investing in its technology, it will need to raise more money eventually. Last year Moderna reorganised its business to prepare for an initial public offering. But at its current valuation, Moderna’s IPO would be the biggest in biotech history, leaving some investors scratching their heads as to how the company’s vaccine-heavy pipeline could justify such a number… The failure in its first and most advanced therapy casts doubt on Moderna’s other goals for the rare disease space. It calls into question Moderna’s valuation, pegged at $4.7bn by Pitchbook. The company has raised nearly $2bn in cash from investors and partners. But it has done so by promising a revolutionary technology safe enough to deliver repeated doses of mRNA. The drugs it is pushing along now, by contrast, are more modest, relying on single administrations of mRNA. Beyond the four vaccines, it has one early-stage clinical trial targeting cardiac disease, launched just last month by partner AstraZeneca. The treatment involves a one-time dose and doesn’t use the tricky nanoparticle casing. Vaccines are not nearly as lucrative as the rare disease space that Moderna hoped to dominate. The market is also much more crowded.

In 2016 Nature magazine criticised Moderna for excessive secrecy in an article headlined “Research not fit to print”. Stat News reports that on May 18 2020,

The firm said its vaccine had generated neutralising antibodies in the first eight volunteers in the early-phase study, a tiny sample. But Moderna didn’t provide any backup data. Nonetheless, Moderna’s share price rose 20% that day. Some top Moderna executives also drew criticism for selling shares worth millions. In addition, some critics have said the US government has given Moderna a sweetheart deal by bankrolling the costs for developing the vaccine and pledging to buy at least 100 million doses, all for $2.48bn.... roughly $25 a dose, which Moderna acknowledges includes a profit.

Moderna later announced that “as of 13 April, all placebo participants have been offered the Moderna covid-19 vaccine and 98% of those have received the vaccine”, surely meaning that their placebo group no longer exists and as such, they have no way to accurately measure long-term safety.

According to TrialSite (28 May 2021), Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents revealed that

“pre-clinical studies show the active part of the [Pfizer] vaccine (mRNA-lipid nanoparticles), which produce the spike protein, spreads throughout the body and is then concentrated in various organs, including the ovaries and spleen. TrialSite has also learned … that apparently Pfizer did not follow industry-standard quality management practices during preclinical toxicology studies.”

Somewhat similarly to nanoparticles, microplastics and toxic 'forever' chemicals that practically never dissolve — sourced from fossil fuels and metal mines, since these intensive methods of production are the most labour exploitative and therefore profitable per commodity produced — used as preservatives and plasticisers in everyday products are now thought to be largely responsible for declining sperm counts, widely polluted breast milk, and liver damage. Researchers have said that such chemicals may hinder the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Vaccines have been linked to the massive rise of autoimmune disorders over the past 40 years, although the overwhelming primary factor is almost universally agreed to be toxic chemicals, including from massively overprescribed antibiotics that decimate gut health/microbial diversity, which the regulates immune, digestive and even neurological systems.

As Dr Michael Mosley writes: “None of the characters in Jane Austen’s 19th century novels never complains about hay fever or having a food intolerance. Charles Dickens never suggested that Oliver Twist or any of the artful dodgers suffered from eczema. Allergic diseases are a modern plague.” (The Clever Guts Diet, Short Books, 2017, p. 92.)

Most ‘modern diseases’ and nine of the 10 biggest causes of death are now strongly associated with a barren or undiverse microbiota.

In September 1993, the Institute of Medicine released a report entitled Adverse Events Associated With Childhood Vaccines: Evidence Bearing on Causality.

The committee found that the evidence favored acceptance of a causal relation between diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and Guillain-Barré syndrome and brachial neuritis, between measles vaccine and anaphylaxis, between oral polio vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome, and between unconjugated Hib vaccine and susceptibility to Hib disease. The committee found that the evidence established causality between diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and anaphylaxis, between measles vaccine and death from measles vaccine – strain viral infection, between measlesmumps-rubella vaccine and thrombocytopenia and anaphylaxis, between oral polio vaccine and poliomyelitis and death from polio vaccine – strain viral infection, and between hepatitis B vaccine and anaphylaxis.

A toxin that “highly impacts our response to electromagnetic radiation is aluminum (aluminium)", according to Cowan and Morell (loc. 1938). Aluminum levels

are especially high in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s and autism” (Exley and Clarkson, It becomes especially problematic when "injected into the bloodstream.... [M]anufacturers have added more [aluminum in vaccines as an adjuvant] in order to provoke the production of antibodies, said to prove an ‘immune response’....” Immunologist Yehada Schoenfeld uses the term 'autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants' (ASIA) to describe immune-mediated diseases that appear after injection with aluminium-containing vaccines.

The amount of aluminum injected into babies [in the US] exceeds anything that can be considered safe. A baby who receives the recommended eight doses of vaccine at the two-month checkup receives 1,225mcg of alumminum at once; fully vaccinated babies receive 4,925mcg by 18 months. The maximum allowable aluminum (considered safe) per day for intravenous parenteral feeding is 25mcg." DoD personnel who received the flu shot in the US during the 2017-18 influenza season had a 36% increased risk of covid-19 illness (Wolff, G).

Seneff published a paper that concluded that “there are several mechanisms by which these vaccines could lead to severe disease, including autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative diseases, vascular disorders (hemorrhaging and blood clots) and possibly reproductive issues”.

There is bound to be scepticism about mRNA vaccines when they are being so aggressively marketed to young, white-collar workers and their children, i.e. the lowest risk demographic for an apparent virus with an infection survival rate of 99.77% (as of August 2020, the figure is likely rising). The figure rises to 99.95% for under-70s — the media having in March 2020 pushed the ‘higher than previously thought’ death rate of 3.4%, at a time when other estimates of between 0.1 and 0.5% were being ignored (see page 4). Stanford University/WHO’s meta-analysis, says that, “If one could sample equally from all locations globally, the median infection fatality rate might even be substantially lower” due to lower among the younger populations of Africa and Asia.

Hooman Noorchashm MD, PhD, has said that,

It is a rigid medical ethical principle that when a medical treatment or procedure is offered to persons who stand to gain little to no benefit, only harm can be done. The vast majority of the millions of Americans who’ve had natural covid-19 infections, and especially those with serological evidence of immunity, stand to gain little to no benefit from added vaccination. When these persons are vaccinated indiscriminately, they are only afforded the possibility of harm – not benefit... This is not a theoretical concern.

Between December 14, 2020 and April 23, 2021 the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reported that adverse reactions to covid-19 vaccines hit 3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious injuries, an unprecedented high for any vaccination programme in the US. In comparison, there are 20 to 30 deaths reported every year to VAERS related to the flu shot. Previous studies, including one from Harvard University, estimate that only 1-10% of all vaccine-related deaths and injuries get reported to VAERS. According to Dr. Peter McCullough:

[With] a typical new drug, at about five unexplained deaths we get a black-box warning saying it may cause death. At about 50 deaths it’s pulled off the market. Swine flu vaccines in 1976 were pulled after 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths. On 8 March the CDC announced on their website, with very little fanfare, that they had reviewed about 1,600 deaths with unnamed FDA doctors and they indicated not a single death was related to the vaccine. That was concerning in the academic community. I have chaired and participated in dozens of data safety monitoring boards and this type of work would have taken many months…. It is impossible for unnamed regulatory doctors without any experience with covid-19 to opine that none of the deaths were related to the vaccine. I think this was effectively a scrubbing...

“There is a Trusted News Initiative, a coalition of all the major media and government stakeholders in vaccination, where they are not going to allow any negative information about vaccines to get into the popular media…. Keep in mind the NIH [National Institutes of Health] is a co-owner of the Moderna patent, so they have a vested financial interest in keeping these vaccines going.

Dr Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer employee, has claimed:

I know enough about biotechnology to know that you can easily create, shall we say, pathogens, which don’t look like they’re related to what you’ve done. And what’s even more horrifying is you can separate them in time, so an injection which will later make you ill or kill you can be separated by design in time from that event. So you might die a year later of liver cancer or something and you wouldn’t connect that. …, [Y]ou literally could do away with big slices of the population if you want. This is an attempt at global depopulation.

Dr David Martin claims:

We are now sitting in a world where we have hundreds of millions of people who are being injected with a pathogen-stimulating computer sequence.... what was known by 2005 to be a biological weapon. The [idea] this is somehow prophylactic or preventative flies in the face of 100% of the evidence, [which makes it clear that there] has been no effort by any pharmaceutical company to combat the virus. This is about getting people injected with the known-to-be harmful spike protein.

The reason for doing that, he argues, is to get people “addicted to a pan-coronavirus vaccine”. There had been a decade-long, pan-influenza vaccine mandate, he says, “desperately promoted by governments around the world. They failed. And they decided if influenza doesn’t deliver on the public promise of getting everybody to get an injection, let’s change the pathogen.

The addiction theory would follow the logic of 'the opioid crisis', which has seen pharma companies bribe doctors to massively overprescribe opium, decimating particularly white communities with high unemployment; and the ‘crack epidemic’, when the secret services allegedly flooded black communities with high unemployment with crack cocaine.

Whether you believe these claims or think that they are themselves part of a psychological operation, there is no doubt that the ruling class has access to more sophisticated and subtle forms of killing than anything Nazi Germany ever had. The Nazis, which were partly funded and rearmed by sections of US and British capital, managed to keep its extermination camps secret from the majority of the German and European population for a long time, including, of course, from many of those it was sending away to their deaths.

In an article discussing the development of supposed ‘self-spreading vaccines’, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists claims that:

The principal security concern is that of dual-use... the same research that is used to develop self-spreading vaccines to prevent disease, could also be used to deliberately cause harm. You could, for instance, engineer triggers into a virus that cause immune system failures in infected people or animals…. We don’t have to dig very deep for a historical example. Codenamed Project Coast, South Africa’s program was primarily focused on covert assassination weapons for use against individuals deemed a threat to the racist apartheid government. In addition to producing contraptions to inject poisons, Project Coast researchers developed techniques to lace sugar cubes with salmonella and cigarettes with Bacillus anthracis....

One of Project Coast’s research projects aimed at developing a human anti-fertility vaccine... so that female soldiers would not fall pregnant… In the end, the anti-fertility vaccine was not produced before Project Coast was officially closed down in 1995.... South Africa isn’t the only country to try and forcibly sterilise parts of its population. European countries, including Sweden and Switzerland, sterilised members of the Roma minority in the early half of the 20th century and some, like Slovakia, continued even beyond that…

The idea of a ‘self-spreading vaccine’ could itself be part of a psychological operation designed to frighten people into staying inside; or imbuing the unvaccinated with the same logic as the vaccinated, so that both sides think the other are ‘the zombies’.

Other things must be taken into account of our overall analysis. Allegations have long been made that serial killings have been manufactured by intelligence agents, for example; by blackmailing violent criminals; or inducing them (often traumatised, unstable ex-military personnel) with extremely dissociative states of the mind, using pain, fear, and drugs — in order to scare the public into staying inside, thereby weakening protest movements in periods of economic crises and creating a public clamour for greater police/state powers, also used to suppress protest movements. (See Programmed to Kill by David McGowan, who concludes that most famous serial killers never acted alone.) The spike in serial killing certainly coincided with the post-1973 neoliberal turn, the privatisation of publicly owned industry and land.

Such a possibility opens up questions about how the ruling class uses the mass media for propaganda, disinformation, censorship (including by omission), trivialisation and 'dumbing down' to inflict psychological blows en masse. Given that severe trauma can cause the anterior cingulate circuit (responsible for motivation) to malfunction — which can result in ‘giving up on life’, i.e. psychogenic death — one wonders how far exposure to extreme violence in the media might contribute towards political apathy (as well as the manufacturing of fascist ideology).

Barbara Sahakian, a professor of clinical neuropsychology at the University of Cambridge, says that the negative impacts across multiple regions of the brain during lockdowns were “profound”. A lack of diverse scenery and sensory activity contributes to this and the build-up of plaque on the brain that causes dementia.

Meanwhile, more than half of all children who turn 10 in 2021 will not be able to read a simple sentence, according to UN data, “as a direct result of the impact on education” during lockdown.

Online gaming has already been used to stealthily bring back or expand child labour exploitation.

“The constant tendency of capital is to force the cost of labour back towards ... zero,” says Marx. (Quoted in Grossman, 1992, p. 100.) This raises the prospect of the ruling class needing a new system of absolute slavery to prevent socialism.

Given that data is now worth more than oil, the process of bleeding exploitation time completely into leisure time – how much leisure time is already spent answering work emails and producing free social media content for tech conglomerates? – is already arguably well underway, with data extracted from our phones and computers potentially around the clock. Consider that a unit of data requires milliseconds of labour to produce, and it becomes clear why privacy laws had to be all but abolished, providing perhaps the biggest motive for 9/11 – which followed the dot com crash – if indeed it was as claimed by some ‘an inside job’ (consider the similarities between then and now and the profits that flowed) – the event having been used as a pretext to justify the The Patriot Act, which allows federal law enforcement agencies to delay giving notice when they conduct secret searches of Americans’ homes and offices, a fundamental change to Fourth Amendment privacy protections and search warrants.

A recent study in Britain found growing government use of sensitive data to ‘nudge’ behaviour. (Mark Freebairn, partner and head of the board and CFO practices, said in February 2022 that before 2020, "regulators would have 'fainted' if they had been told private data was going to be handled from people's homes – but this is now the norm".)

As an example of the lengths the US has gone to against its enemies in the past, in socialist East Germany it would poison cattle and cigarettes. In 2002, it was revealed that in Britain,

the Ministry of Defence turned large parts of the country into a giant laboratory to conduct a series of secret germ warfare tests on the public. A government report just released provides for the first time a comprehensive official history of Britain’s biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979. Many of these tests involved releasing potentially dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms over vast swaths of the population without the public being told.... The tests, carried out by government scientists at Porton Down, were designed to help the MoD assess Britain’s vulnerability if the Russians were to have released clouds of deadly germs over the country. In most cases, the trials did not use biological weapons but alternatives which scientists believed would mimic germ warfare and which the MoD claimed were harmless. But families in certain areas of the country who have children with birth defects are demanding a public inquiry.

Knowing all this, it is hard to believe capitalist states are primarily concerned with protecting public health, especially when elderly and disabled people have been thrown out of hospitals and into care homes, seeding any virus, while care homes are being starved of resources. A study published in June 2021 found that 58% of those who died 'from’ covid-19 in England were disabled people. Whether the deaths were caused by covid-19, exacerbated seasonal problems, state-induced neglect or something even more sinister, we cannot know while autopsies are being suspended, and while figures and statements coming out of capitalist institutions simply cannot be trusted.

There have been claims that Midazolam, a painkiller and sedative used to ease respiratory difficulties, has been used to turn “end-of-life care into euthanasia” after prescriptions doubled. A Care Quality Commission report has found that, reports the BMJ, “equality and human rights laws were flouted when ‘inappropriate’ advance non-resuscitation decisions were taken” after accusations that “blanket ‘do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ (DNACPR) decisions were imposed on some groups, such as people in care homes, and that some people with DNACPR decisions in their records were unaware of the fact”.

[8] Clearly one of the motivations for introducing ‘vaccine passports’ would be to control freedom of movement at a time when labour is in relatively low demand, meaning border regimes tend to tighten; also a result of intensifying competition between private enterprises and capitalist nation states. QZ reports that,

Millions of fully vaccinated people in India and Africa could face challenges traveling to Europe under the EU’s new vaccine passport scheme, scheduled to take effect on 1 July. That’s despite the fact that they’ll have taken a vaccine... The problem? The EU is making a distinction between one brand of the AstraZeneca jab, named Vaxzevria, and its identical but Indian-made version Covishield. The latter, manufactured under license by India’s Serum Institute, is not one of the vaccines listed for the EU’s new digital travel pass.

Scepticism of vaccines is higher outside of North America and Europe, perhaps partly because of younger and therefore healthier populations, but mainly due to centuries of ongoing medical abuse at the hands of colonialism. During the US occupation of the Philippines, Rockefeller Foundation president George Vincent was quite frank in saying,

Dispensaries and physicians have of late been peacefully penetrating areas of the Philippine Islands and demonstrating the fact that for purposes of placating primitive and suspicious peoples medicine has some advantages over machine guns.” A UK parliamentary committee found that “routine healthcare in some countries has ground to a halt, and people fear starvation and unemployment more than they do the pandemic. Covid-19, and its countermeasures, have increased rates of gender-based violence and child marriage.

These counter-measures have been highly influenced by Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates, the world's second richest man. The Gates Foundation (worth $51bn) has shareholdings in several pharmaceutical giants. “The foundation appears to see the Global South as both a dumping ground for drugs deemed too unsafe for the developed world and a testing ground for drugs not yet determined to be safe enough for the developed world,” according to The Grayzone. Oxford’s Clinical Infectious Diseases Periodical and others have contended that “the only cause of polio is likely to be the vaccine” pushed by Gates.

Gates says that if you have to wait two years to find out the side effects of a new vaccine technology then you should go ahead and have it anyway. The Gates Foundation is the second largest contributor to the World Health Organisation (WHO), after the US. The WHO (which gets 80% of its funding privately) “doesn’t decide how these funds are spent – the Gates Foundation does”. The Gates Foundation has also donated millions of dollars to mainstream media outlets and Gates even starred in a docu-series on Netflix about 'how to stop a pandemic' a few weeks before covid-19 hit the US.

In 2017 Gates started buying up oxygen tank supplies – and now there is a global shortage. Capital needs artificial scarcity to sell products at profitable prices. Such a shortage was being reported at the end of April 2021, presumably as part of a concerted media campaign to sell vaccines to India. According to Jo Nash, writing for Left Lockdown Sceptics:

The media are presenting cases and deaths in whole numbers that sound horrendous until you convert them to percentages of India’s huge population of 1.4 billion people. The current daily death rate in India of 2,600 is equivalent to 126 deaths per day in the UK, way below our peak rate… More people die of diarrhoea every day in India… India has the most toxic air in the world which often leads to the city having to close down due to the widespread effects on respiratory health... The Indian government’s focus on vaccine procurement risks diverting resources from tackling urgent public health issues.... My contacts report that vaccine take-up among the working classes and minority groups has been low due to widespread mistrust.

In The Australian, former assistant secretary-general of the UN, Professor Ramesh Thakuras, points out: “As of now India’s covid mortality rate is 140 per million people. This compares to 401 for the world average, 1,762 for the US, and 1,869 for the UK. It puts India 119th in the world on this, the single most important statistic for comparison purposes.” When India’s ‘second wave’ ended there were no such prominent media reports.

Calls for a counter-offensive against “anti-vaccine aggression” started and the residents of a village in the Saurikh area of Uttar Pradesh’s Kannuj alleged that electricity connections of their houses were cut off after they refused to take covid vaccines. Punjab’s provincial government revealed plans to disable the SIM cards of people who decline to get jabbed. People in Rwanda have reportedly been forcibly vaccinated for covid.

In the 1970s, the Indian government awarded villagers transistor radios in exchange for undergoing sterilisation. “[Sanjay Gandhi’s government] combined a state of emergency, eugenics, sterilisation passports, and radio news propaganda in the same fell swoop. Sound familiar?” writes a Dr TCP.

The WHO convened in Geneva, 1992 to discuss fertility regulating vaccines... When the WHO’s early 1990s Nicaraguan, Mexican, Philippine and Tanzanian tetanus vaccine campaigns were mired in eugenics controversy, its supporters hit back. Regarding that controversy, I was saddened to hear of the untimely death allegedly coincidentally and conveniently from coronavirus, of Kenyan Dr. Stephen Karanja. This came only days after a shocking interview where he spoke of the ignored success of safe pharmaceutical alternatives to the coerced covid-19 gene therapy.

Similarly, it has been alleged that vaccines were used to depopulate the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia in the 1970s. On 6 July 2021, incidentally, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that, “vaccinations to year 12 students from the school ... were given mistakenly, after a plan to inoculate only Aboriginal students somehow went awry and resulted in all boarders from the high-fee school receiving their jabs.”

Returning to Gates: in January, Microsoft filed a patent to allow the company to ‘digitally revive’ deceased loved ones as online chatbots, using the individual’s “images, voice data, social media posts, and electronic messages” in a bid to profit off of people’s grief and loneliness.

As discussed above, the end of privacy is another byproduct of the capitalist crisis. Data rights organisations have warned that patients lack a clear understanding of how information about their health, employment, contact or location details may be used by private entities during the covid-19 vaccine drive. The Telegraph reports that, “Millions of Britons had their movements ‘unwittingly tracked’ using their mobile phones to see if vaccinated people moved about more after their jabs."

The Pentagon is now developing a “subdermal implant, a tissue-like gel engineered to continuously test your blood… It’s a sensor… you put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body and that signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow.” The implications of something like this for privacy from and surveillance by private employers and the capitalist state are plainly dire. See also “A military-funded biosensor could be the future of pandemic detection”, Defense One, 3 March 2020. Claims about possible magnetic implants in the vaccines are perhaps mocked more than any other, but in December 2021 a Swedish startup, Epicenter, unveiled "a rice-sized microchip implant that stores your COVID vaccine passport under your skin and is read with technology used to take contactless payments".

Wahajuddin & Arora wrote in 2012 that “Guiding magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles with the help of an external magnetic field to its target is the principle behind the development of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) as novel drug delivery vehicles.” Cowan comments that, “The magnetic field emanating from the heart is the strongest in the body, blood also has a magnetic component in iron ... if they're injecting magnetic particles this will obviously interfere with the blood flow.” Perhaps this could explain why many women have experienced changes in their menstrual cycles after having the vaccine.

A ‘think piece’ on ‘human augmentation’ on the UK government’s website published in June 2021 (since deleted) stated that:

People have legal rights and machines do not, but human augmentation will make it increasingly difficult to adopt this binary approach as machines are integrated with our bodies… It could be argued that treatments involving novel vaccination processes and gene and cell therapies are examples of human augmentation already in the pipeline. Genetic engineering refers to the modification of reproductive cells... Brain interfaces, also known as neural interfaces or brain computer interfaces, enable direct communication between brain and computer. Neurostimulation can be used to change brain function. One company has developed a neurosurgery robot capable of implanting flexible polymer threads, each the width of a human hair fitted with 32 electrodes, into the brain. The technology is being used on rodents and is intended for future human use. Implanted augmentations incur medical risk and there may be side effects that manifest long after safety certification has been awarded.

The World Economic Forum has called this sort of thing ‘the internet of bodies’ and the Centre for International Governance Innovation refers to it as ‘phygitalism’.

Socialism will not throw the baby out with the bathwater, of course: tech like ICD heart-starting devices and bionic legs are invaluable for people who need them (although it is capital which tends to disable people through unemployment, war, toxic medicine/food, etc.; and people with impairments through privatised and rationed public services). Innovation continues under any mode of production, and socialism – which will remove the fetters of surplus capital and the profit motive, and thus be more productive and innovative than capitalism – is needed to complete the automation revolution. Whether the masses in socialism embrace something like ‘human augmentation’ cannot be known; but newer generations obviously tend to embrace new tech with more alacrity. People may like the idea of subdermal implants for convenience or because they will no longer misplace their keys and wallet, etc. The likelihood is that the socially negative aspects of technology will tend to be discarded and the positive ones embraced for improving living standards, creative endeavours, statistical monitoring, etc.; rather than exploitation, privacy-invasion and warmongering.

Quantum computing, furthermore, will reintroduce privacy, since its operations are non-binary rather than binary, operating on a spectrum, thereby making it unhackable.

[9] With the 100 Years War and the Black Plague, a labour shortage relative to demand put workers in a stronger bargaining position, encouraging worker militancy to the point that the movement abolished serfdom. Aristocrats therefore plotted a reversal of a prolonged disaccumulation of capital. Enclosure (along with the even more brutal colonialism) was the answer — driving peasants off common land and into towns and cities, where they would have to take up wage-labour in factories and pay rent to private landlords. This process didn’t stop with the privatisation of common land and other public assets but with the ongoing atomisation of labour, consumption and public space: instead of the efficiency of public transport and spacious communal living, the inefficiency of splitting people up into private cars and tiny homes, for example. During lockdowns this trend seems to have been taken to the absurd logical endpoint of the very anti-social ‘social distancing’, which can have the effect of raising the price of tickets, for example, by increasing demand relative to supply.

With the likes of Real Madrid and Barcelona shouldering $1billion debts, billionaire football club owners see online subscription as the next logical step in the atomisation of the fanbase, raising the intake per fan per view. Presumably they aim to make stadium attendances even more corporate, driving up the ticket prices per seat. With this in mind, the storming of Wembley stadium by a minority of fans at the Euro 2021 final (in the era of electronic turnstiles), begins to look like a possible psychological operation. No doubt vaccine passports would have been seen as a way to split movements protesting against billionaire owners and the proposed European Super League, which aims to end qualification, promotion and relegation.

Elsewhere; could the racist abuse of black footballers on social media be a psychological operation to create a public clamour for more anti-privacy laws? (Black Lives Matter stories spike every US election, although the likely primary purpose of the billionaire-backed platform is to recruit cheaper labour, especially to the state in order to ease the burden on the tax base.) Twitter could surely write algorithms to filter out racist replies, but, with the help of bots and, presumably, paid agents, it seems to do the opposite, making sure racist replies are seen the most. Corporations are arguably enabling the continued abuse and traumatisation of black people if that is the case.

[10] The highest baseline cut was by 10.5% in 1981-3; the lowest 3.5% in 1957-8. Summers, The Everything Bubble (2017), p. 165.

[11] On the ‘evidence’ suddenly released by the US military that “UFOs exist”, a comrade speculates:

The ruling class really is going to concoct an alien invasion scare by the 2030s; I'm calling it now. If the Internet of Things does turn out as advanced as they promise, they could even generate ‘alien sightings’ in real time across the world all at once – you’d only need about a dozen sightings per country to make huge headlines. If primitive Christianity could impose the idea of an imaginary realm on millions of people 2,000 years ago, then our synchronised scientific age could pull it off no problem. Destroy one city then claim aliens were responsible, and everyone will be on board for The Big One. The most publicised opposition will be religious types claiming it’s the rapture or that they’re friendly visitors here to teach us peace, easily dismissed by the media and still within the paradigm of accepting their presence as real. Can see it now – me going ‘Do you know there’s already 30,000 nuclear weapons in the world? Most of them American and pointed at every other country?’ and just being answered ‘aliens though’.

On March 6 2023 The Intercept reported that “US Special Forces want to use deepfakes for psy-ops”.

In the light of its collapsing system, perhaps the ruling class would be mad not to try such a stunt. Capitalism is certainly veering towards a world war, since the accumulation crisis is intensifying competition over profit, assets and resources (especially labour); and the destruction of surplus capital allows breathing space for new accumulation. This is, however, an increasingly limited option, since war accelerates innovation and therefore the tendency towards automtion.




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