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FOOTNOTES (1-6) – Capital’s profitability now depends on ‘lockdowns’ ... and ‘medical’ tyranny

[1] The thing that all commodities have in common that makes them exchangeable is abstract labout (time). Thus, as the productivity of commodities is achieved in greater abundance and shorter time, GDP growth, profit and interest rates, along with manufacturing costs/commodity prices, all trend historically towards zero.

Emerging automated technology like precision fermentation and 3D printing are types of additive manufacturing (growing/replicating/layering) gradually usurping extractive/subtractive manufacturing (subtracting metal and trees from mines and land, for example). So:

Subtractive (mechanised/binary) production = limited/scarce production (capitalism)

Additive (automated/non-binary) production = limitless/abundant production (communism)

[2] The World Wildlife Fund puts the spread of zoonotic diseases down to “the trade and consumption of high-risk wildlife; deforestation and conversion; expansion of agriculture and unsustainable intensification and animal production”. Monoculture – whose economies of scale maximise profit – is said to contribute by denying animals the normality of co-evolving with nature.

The COVID-19 outbreak was thought to have originated from bats in a food market in Wuhan, China. Although this has not been officially proven, many scientists maintain that the proof that it came from wildlife trade is very strong; probably, according to the WHO and China, from a bat to humans via another animal. See Robert Garry (November 2022).

The virus was later said to have been present in the US a month earlier than the announcement from China (, 1 December). SARS-CoV-2 (the alleged virus that allegedly causes the covid-19 disease) found in sewage wastewater in northern Italy indicates that it may have been in circulation there since December 2019 and in Spain since March 2019.

[3] Dr David Martin believes profit is the motive behind a conspiracy. He says he has exposed a 20-year trail of patent applications concerning the virus responsible for Covid-19. Martin says the patents show that a natural virus, “harmless to humans”, was subjected to numerous lab modifications which “weaponised” it.

Martin says the evidence shows “we made SARS” and that the first SARS event gave rise to a “very problematic” April 2003 patent filing by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the entire SARS gene sequence, and for a series of derivative patents covering means of detection, including the PCR test used to diagnose cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. “If you both own the patent on the gene itself and its detection, you have a cunning advantage to control 100% of ... message control.”

Martin says three days after the CDC’s April 2003 attempt to patent the SARS sequence, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, founded in 2002, filed a patent application on antiviral agents, treatment and control of infections by coronavirus. This was approved, and published, before the CDC patent was allowed. “So the degree to which the information could have been known by any means other than insider information between those parties is zero... This is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering and collusion.” Of note is his reference to “their industrial-chemical definition of health”.

Kevin McKernan, R&D lead Human Genome Project at MIT/WIBR, disputes some of Martin's claims regarding patenting law, but agrees that covid-19 is "probably" not a novel virus.

“A stream of studies that have documented SARS-CoV-2 reactive T cells in people without exposure to the virus are raising questions about just how new the pandemic virus really is,” writes Peter Doshi in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

The National Center for Biotechnology Information in the US has documented claimed isolation. Dr Sam Bailey claims this was not a proper isolation. Thomas Cowan, MD agrees, saying that documents claiming to show isolation present pictures where the apparent virus has evidently not been separated from tissue. That document is dated 18 March 2020; another one from the CDC dated 21 July 2021 says (on p. 39) “... no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available”.

See also Cowan, “The Smoking Gun?”,, 10 June 2021. A peer-reviewed paper titled “Appearances Can be Deceiving — Viral-like Inclusions in Covid-19 Negative Renal Biopsies by Electron Microscopy,” by Clarrisa A. Cassol, et al., (citation Kidney360 1:824–828, 2020) examined the electron-micrograph pictures allegedly representing SARS-CoV-2, rather than normal ‘structures’ within a cell, particularly sick cells. The paper says: “We have observed morphologically indistinguishable inclusions within podocytes and tubular epithelial cells both in patients negative for covid-19 as well as in renal biopsies from the pre-covid-19 era.”

“In other words,” says Cowan, “the researchers saw these same structures in people with no evidence of covid and in samples they took before... the virus was said to even exist.”

The paper also points out that, “The potential for confusion of coronavirus particles with normal cellular components [particularly in sick cells] was in fact highlighted in a detailed ultrastructural study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of SARS-CoV responsible for the 2003 SARS outbreak.”

See footnote 13 for an assessment of the ‘germ vs terrain' theory of (infectious) disease debate.

Also of note: In 2013, Monopoli et al. reported that, “Over the last decade the existence of ‘the corona’, a natural interface between nanomaterials and living matter in biological milieu, evolved from a vague concept into a broadly recognised fact.” Quagliarini et al. in February 2020 note, “When exposed to increasing protein concentrations, grapholipoplexes get covered by a protein corona that evolves with protein concentration, leading to biocoronated complexes with modified physicochemical properties.” So when biological materials like human plasma are exposed to certain synthetic nanomaterials, including graphene oxide, an ingredient in the Pfizer vaccines, a “protein corona” is formed that has been described as a “virus-like particle”.

[4] See Dr John Lee, “The way ‘covid deaths’ are being counted is a national scandal,”, 28 May 2020. “Every positive test for covid-19 must be [registered] in a way that it just would not be for flu or most other infections… The vast majority of respiratory deaths in the UK are recorded as bronchopneumonia, pneumonia, old age or a similar designation… If the patient has, say, cancer, motor neurone disease or another serious disease, this will be recorded as the cause of death, even if the final illness was a respiratory infection.” Because the infection rate at the outset of the pandemic was 10-20 times higher than testing could keep up with, “the headline death rate ... is likely to be ten to 20 times lower" than the initially touted 5%. The rate was, as of 29 October 2020, 1.15% in high income countries and 0.23% in low-income countries (which hav younger populations) (]. "That puts the covid-19 mortality rate in the range associated with infections like flu.” (The H1N1 mortality rate was originally feared to be 1–5% but turned out to be 0.02%. BBC, 2 April.)

Lee elaborates (30 May):

Very early on, rules surrounding death certification were changed in ways that make the statistics unreliable. Guidance was issued which tends to reduce referrals for autopsy ... usually requested by a coroner to ascertain the cause of death…. Autopsy studies typically show major discrepancies between actual findings and clinical diagnosis in a quarter to a third of cases… [But] the Chief Coroner issued guidance [on 26 March that]: ‘The aim should be that every death from covid-19 which does not in law require referral to the coroner should be dealt with via the [death certification] process.’ And even guidance produced by the Royal College of Pathologists in February stated: ‘In general, if a death is believed to be due to confirmed covid-19 infection, there is unlikely to be any need for a post-mortem examination.’]. Normally, two doctors are needed to certify a death, one of whom has been treating the patient or who knows them and has seen them recently. That changed. For covid-19 only, the certification can be made by a single doctor, and there is no requirement for them to have examined, or even met, the patient. A video-link consultation in the four weeks prior to death is now ... sufficient for death to be attributed to covid-19.

For deaths in care homes... care home providers, most of whom are not medically trained, may make a statement to the effect that a patient has died of covid-19. In the words of the Office for National Statistics, this ‘may or may not correspond to a medical diagnosis or test result, or be reflected in the death certification’. From 29 March the numbers of ‘covid deaths’ have included all cases where covid-19 was simply mentioned on the death certificate — irrespective of positive testing and whether or not it may have been incidental to, or directly responsible for, death.

The US, Italy, Germany and Hong Kong also count any death of a patient who has covid-19 as a death caused by covid-19 (BBC, 2 April).

See also: Iain Davis, UK Column, “Is covid-19 a hoax?, 21 February 2021; and “A deceptive construction — why we must question the covid-19 mortality statistics,” 28 March 2021.

“Given that Karry Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, stated that his technology could 'find almost anything in anybody', and that 'it doesn’t tell you that you are sick', repeated testing is likely to provide a positive result eventually.”

Reuters had to apologise for claiming that the Mullis quote was a fabrication. Reuters has a conflicting interest in that it has close links to Pfizer. The Vanguard Group, for example, has shares in both and the former CEO of Reuters sits on the board of Pfizer.

See also Cowen and Morell, The Truth about Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads, 2021, chapter five: "Testing scam" (loc 1102-1291).

In November 2021, someone who died from gunshot wounds was apparently counted as a covid death after subsequently testing positive. The following month a CDC official claimed that, "We don't have to test everybody; if you have the symptoms of covid-19, so a fever, a cough, congestion, sore throat, fatigue, muscle aches, you have covid-19."

Physicians have reportedly said hospitals are pressuring ER doctors to list covid-19 on death certificates. An article for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons says hospitals are paid more for every covid-19 diagnosis and admission and for every patient that is mechanically ventilated. ("Mortality of patients with Covid-19 requiring invasive mechanical ventilation is high, King, C, et al. See also Bhatraju, P, et al.) British GPs are paid £12.58 per covid jab administered; but only receive payment after the second dose.

A study published in May 2021 by Stang et al. stated that:

In light of our findings that more than half of individuals with positive PCR test results are unlikely to have been infectious, RT-PCR test positivity should not be taken as an accurate measure of infectious SARS-CoV-2 incidence. Our results confirm the findings of others that the routine use of ‘positive’ RT-PCR test results as the gold standard for assessing and controlling infectiousness fails to reflect the fact ‘that 50–75% of the time an individual is PCR positive, they are likely to be post-infectious’.

In April 2021 the official UK fatality figure was reduced by some 23%, or changed from "people who have died ‘with’ the virus rather than ‘from’ an infection,” The Telegraph reports. The number in England had already been reduced by more than 5,000 in August 2020 after academics pointed out that the tally included anyone who has tested positive for covid-19 and later died, with no cut-off point between positive test and death. A 28-day cut-off date was introduced.

For the week ending Jan 7, the UK Health Security Agency reported 1,282 deaths of people who had died within 28 days of testing positive... However, ONS data show there were just 992 death registrations with Covid mentioned on the death certificate in that week... The January death rate is about 0.09%, according to the ONS. So on a day of 244,000 infections as we saw at the peak, we may expect 219 of those people to die naturally over the next month, yet currently all would end up in the Covid data. For deaths where Covid was the primary cause, the difference is even starker, with just 712 registrations, meaning that 44% of the daily reported figures in that week may not be true Covid deaths.... people may also now be included in the death figures who cleared the virus weeks before their death.

An FoI Act revealed that the total number of deaths considered to be caused solely by covid in England and Wales between Feb 2020 and up to and including Dec 2021 was 6,083. A question about the number of autopsies carried out went unanswered.

In March 2023 reported that, "Now, three years later, the research is catching up... Long COVID is neither as common nor as severe as initially feared."

In July 2021, the CDC said it would ditch the PCR tests at the end of the year and switch to a "more efficient" method that “can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2”. In December 2021 the CDC admitted tests had been faulty until February 2020. CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky also admitted that "PCR tests can stay positive for up to 12 weeks" after infection, "So we would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs... We do know that the most sensitive test you can do is a PCR test."

after a year of frightening headlines... that the virus that causes covid-19 may attack the heart more aggressively than any other viral illness, the verdict is in: It doesn’t.” Cardiac electrophysiologist John Mandrola and cardiologist Andrew Foy say that, “Lax scientific review might also have played a role [in the earlier misreporting].... Our first study showed that the timeline from receipt to publication of studies was eight times faster during the pandemic than the year before…. In our systematic follow-up study comparing top-cited papers during the pandemic with those published before it, covid-19 related articles were of significantly lower scientific rigor.

A study in April 2020 by Spanish doctors observed serotonin syndrome in two covid patients, with the doctors suspecting drug interactions of being the cause rather than any virus. Serotonin syndrome occurs

when you take medications that cause [our emphasis] high levels of the chemical serotonin to accumulate in your body… Too much causes signs and symptoms that can range from mild (shivering and diarrhoea) to severe (muscle rigidity, fever and seizures). Severe serotonin syndrome can cause death if not treated.

Cowan and Morell point out (2021, loc 1751) that covid-19 symptoms are similar to those of zinc deficiencies (including loss of taste and smell) that are often caused (as well as by air and plastic pollution) by our poorly regulated, chemically treated, poorly oxygenated drinking water (thus potentially depriving our microbiome of sufficient oxygen; see footnote 13) and/or processed foods whose depleted fibre and nutrients are not absorbed in the larger part of the gut (as is necessary for good gut health); both as a result of the profit-maximising production methods (such as flash heating).

Cyanide compounds that are byproducts of industrial processes such as oil refining and the production of polyurethanes,

can prevent the production of ATP, needed for energy-making processes, particularly affecting the central nervous system and the heart, leading to hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) a common symptom of covid-19 illness... Other compounds like formaldehyde, benzene, cadmium… in drinking water along with a host of pesticides such as the highly toxic cholinesterase inhibitors (nervous system poisons) sprayed on citrus fruit.... Toxins in food range from propylene glycol (an antifreeze)...; formaldehyde and methyl alcohol (breakdown products of the artificial sweetener acesulfame-K;... and chemical antioxidants like butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), propyl gallate, and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)....

"Those with conditions like diabetes, obesity, hypertension and heart disease … are likely to have developed these conditions in large part due to processed foods loaded with these additives. (Loc 1855-65.)

Stephanie Seneff, PhD has said that early epicenters of covid-19 correspond with areas of high air pollution, particularly where biodiesel is widely used. A Harvard Institute for Public Health study found a strong correlation between exposure to particulate air pollution and covid deaths (Wu et al, preprint). Biodiesel and biofuel made from plants contain the RoundUp ingredient herbicide glyphosate, which is sourced from metal mines and known to be carcinogenic. Crops used for biodiesel in the US are, say Cowan and Morell, "still sprayed with RoundUp".

Taiwan has a low rate of covid-19 deaths but does not use biofuel due to the effects of mixing it with high humidity. Glyphosate exposure also comes from food, with "the highest per capita being in the US". Seneff attributes the high rate of many chronic diseases, including amnesia and autism, to glyphosate exposure. A 2014 study (Swanson et al) indicated that chronic diseases are rising in the US population in lockstep with the rise of glyphosate usage. (Loc. 1874-1916.)

Chronic disorders caused by toxins can be compounded (or indeed caused by) by prescription drugs. The side effects from overprescribed statins, for example, include muscle pain, cramps, fatigue, fever, memory loss, diabetes, kidney and liver damage, heart failure and digestive disorders.

The Mayo Clinic found that 70% of US Americans take at least one prescription medication and 20% are on five or more. “All have side effects, which means that all of them can act as poisons in the body. The side effects of ACE-inhibitor blood-pressure-lowering drugs, such as Lisinopril, are similar to those of covid-19: a dry, persistent cough, dizziness, possible nausea, headache and trouble breathing." (Loc 1927.)

Cowan and Morell also point out that when the media sends fear and hatred out into the world,

these waveforms create physiological responses… such as activation of our inflammatory systems, as we attempt to rid ourselves of these destructive thought patterns. Our cortisol production increases, adrenaline soars, blood flow constricts, and pupils dilate. We have been poisoned.

They add: “Exposing organisms to fear stimulates the creation of exosomes to detoxify this fear. Scientists have mistakenly labelled these tiny bodies ‘viruses’ – poisons.” More on that in footnotes 4 and 13.

NB: Again, we are merely taking an interest in such claims. We are not claiming that statins etc have no positive uses, even if we agree they have been overprescribed. We will need independent studies free of the profit motive to come to any firm conclusions.

[5] Some theories point out the Military Games took place in Wuhan in 2019, and that in July 2019 there had been influenza outbreaks near Fort Detrick, Maryland, the principal US government biodefense facility shut down ostensibly over safety concerns. China demanded that the WHO investigate Fort Detrick.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology – such places exist in many places in China – says its public database was hacked in September 2019. The US secretly warned NATO and Israel of a “cataclysmic" novel contagion in China nearly a month before the first confirmed covid-19 case. A “coronavirus pandemic dress rehearsal" was staged in New York two months before covid-19 emerged in Wuhan. The event was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the CIA. (Simulations have also been held for 'cyberattacks' that Klaus Schwab says "will be worse than covid-19"...)

In May 2021, US officials ramped up speculation that covid-19 could have come from a Chinese lab, having earlier ruled out such a possibility. See, for example, “Origin of Covid — Following the Clues,” by Nicolas Wade. Wade, however, implies that any such leak would have been much deadlier than the infection mortality rate we have seen. (For a rebuke of lab leak theory, see Philippe Lemoine: Did China lie about covid-19? — did SARS-CoV-2 accidentally escape from a lab?)

Bourgeois aristocrats in China and the US could be working together. While there is competition between their sets of monopoly capitalists, the things they all need to destroy small/medium capital, depress wages and destroy portions of (unemployed) surplus labour. The continual need to centralise capital into fewer hands means any co-operation, however, is tenuous. China, of course, threatens the US’s near-century-long global economic dominance, with trade wars between the two continually intensifying. A record number of restrictions on world trade were enacted in 2016, before the Brexit referendum or the election of Trump.

Asked in May 2021 if he was “still confident that [the virus] developed naturally”, Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), said: “No, actually. We should continue to investigate ... China.”

Fauci denies accusations that the NIAID has funded 'gain-of-function' research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Wade disputes this (see section 4). Sam Husseini writes that “far more funding comes from the Pentagon” than the NIH, both going through Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance (EHA).* Gain-of-function research “creates viruses more dangerous than those that exist in nature… to get ahead of nature [to] predict and prevent natural ‘spillovers’, the cross-over of viruses from an animal host to people”, says Wade.

The US is said to have used biological weapons indiscriminately against civilian population centres, including bubonic plague, syphilis, and anthrax. The US denies that it began funding a biowarfare programme in the 50s, partnering with Japan in efforts against the socialist Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Fauci warned against rushing vaccines ahead of the 2020 US Presidential election and said he did not see the US mandating vaccines. Trump had cut funding to EHA, according to Husseini, adding to any suspicion with regards to the timing of the outbreak and the financial crash – Trump would have won re-election without rocketing unemployment.

Fauci was ridiculed for what seemed like an attempt at upselling when he said that wearing two masks is “likely” more effective than one. When asked why people who had had covid-19 were required to vaccinate even though they’re likely to be more protected than vaccinated people, he replied, “That’s a really good point… I don’t really have a firm answer." In June, apparently leaked Fauci emails showed, according to Alex Gutentag, that "he knew about post-infection immunity, low asymptomatic spread, cheap therapeutics, and the uselessness of masks.”

Great Game India quotes Fauci in 1983 as promoting the “possibility that nonsexual, non-blood-borne transmission of AIDS was possible” and that this “should at least alert us to the possibility that we are truly dealing with AIDS in children”, causing a media panic. “Immunologist Arye Rubinstein had already offered a more plausible explanation, which even cursory examination would verify: the disease transmitted from the mother to the baby during pregnancy. As Shilts explains, ‘Upon investigation, Rubinstein learned that Fauci had not bothered to read his paper.’ The NIH scientist instead relied on second-hand information to indulge in open-ended speculation.”

Covid-sceptics may draw some inspiration from reactions to past epidemics. One study suggests that with regards to the 1918 ‘Spanish flu’ H1N1 influenza A pandemic (which is thought to have benefitted the popularity of the Nazis), “a significant proportion of deaths may be attributable to aspirin”. Another study claims incidences of smallpox deaths were higher in areas with high vaccination than vice-versa. In the 1950s the physician Morton Biskind argued in Congress that polio was caused not by human contact but by dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), which had become widely sold to kill mosquitoes. As its use declined, so apparently did incidences of polio. (Cowan and Morell, The Truth About Contagion, 2021, loc 781-821.)

Roman Bystrianyk, author of Dissolving Illussions, claims that smallpox, Measles and Whooping cough all more or less died out before the vaccines credited with combating them had been rolled out. "Flu pneumonia deaths fell by 90% before flu vaccination programmes and after 40 years of flu vaccinations the mortality rate is still the same."

In 2009, Libya's revolutionary leader Muammar Gaddafi claimed: "Capitalist companies produce viruses so that they can generate and sell vaccinations...." The recently couped Bolivarian left-winger Evo Morales has openly questioned the veracity of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We should be wary that while capitalism certainly creates the motivation to invent problems to sell solutions, it can also create dodgy technophobic opposition in the form of losing, obsolete competitors who invent smears, lies and myths to discredit their challengers.

*Of note, Husseini writes:

One noteworthy ‘policy advisor’ to the EHA is David Franz, former commander of Fort Detrick. Franz was part of UNSCOM which inspected Iraq for alleged bioweapons… this year Franz wrote a piece with former New York Times journalist Judith Miller, whose stories of Iraqi WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) did much to misinform the US public... Miller co-wrote the book Germs, released amid the 2001 false flag anthrax attacks, which repeatedly quotes Franz... While she was still with the Times, Miller quoted him in a story “US analysts link Iraq labs to germ arms” ... pushing the theory that Iraq had mobile biological WMD units. (This theory was debunked by the British scientist Dr David Kelly, who would die, apparently by suicide, soon thereafter.)

Four significant insights emerge.... First, ... Peter Daszak and his non-profit work closely with the military. Second, the EcoHealth Alliance attempts to conceal these military connections. Third, through militaristic language and analogies Daszak and his colleagues promote what is often referred to as, and even then somewhat euphemistically, an ongoing agenda known as ‘securitization’ .... Fourth, Daszak himself... stands to benefit from the likely outlay of public funds.

Daszak was appointed by The Lancet medical journal to head an inquiry into the origins of covid-19 but later ‘recused himself’ without explanation. He played a leading role in a similar investigation by the WHO, described by sceptics as a whitewash.

Reported in the National Academies Press on 12 February 2016, Daszek is quoted as having said:

We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical counter-measures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage, to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.

[6] The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and the Death of Competition (2018) by Jonathan Tepper and Denise Hearn found that: four corporations control 90% of American beer; five banks control half of US banking assets; four companies control the entire US beef market; three companies control both 70% of the global pesticide market and 80% of the US corn-seed market; and so on. “The scale of mergers is so extreme,” write the idealist right-libertarian authors, “that you would almost think American capitalists were trying to prove Karl Marx right.” Wiley, New York, 2018, p. Xv-10.




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